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Katie Lewis Personal Blog: Me and McTimoney Chiropractic

Writer's picture: Nailsea Physio Nailsea Physio

When I left school I went to University to study Theatre, this was short lived to say the least so I decided to get a job while I worked out what I wanted to do.

I had a couple of jobs in hospitality and a call centre, which was not for me, and eventually found a job at a local supermarket convenience store. In my spare time I trained as a massage therapist, completing my qualification in 2016. I then started my masters degree in Chiropractic at The McTimoney College of Chiropractic. After 7 years, I resigned from retail and now I'm doing what I love.

My massage qualification ensured that I could bring my hands-on skills to the job and has given me more tools in my toolkit for serving my patients, setting me apart from some other practitoners. I am currently studying acupuncture and dry needling to further enhance the services I am able to provide.

I really love my job and I enjoy meeting new people and helping them on their journey to their optimum health and wellbeing goals, whether they be to improve function, reduce/manage their pain or get them back to doing what they love! The things I love the most about my job are the people. Not only the patients that I get to interact with and help everyday, but also working with fellow like-minded practitioners with whom I work and have learned and continue to learn from as I progress in my career. In the future, I would like to upskill and gain more experience in sports chiropractic and also more knowledge about chiropractic for pregnancy and making sure that thosw who are pregnant have as smooth and comfortable experience as possible.

Why McTimoney Chiropractic?

As a McTimoney trained Chiropractor I believe that I have the advantage in that my adjustments are suitable for EVERYONE. I also have a considerate approach to ensure you and your health goals are priority.

  • If you don’t like the *crack* you hear from heavier adjustments or they feel too agressive for you, McTimoney has a much gentler approach.

  • If you want a more holistic and thorough treatment incorporating other tretments such as massage, then that is the approach undertaken at Nailsea Physio. No 'one trick pony'!

  • If you are looking for a longer appointment to be able to chat about your health goals and how your circumstances are affecting your life and overall physical health, then I am here to listen.

  • I am committed to empowering you, and I will provide you with exercises to help hasten your recovery and nothave to depend on my treatments forever more.

Unlike what you may have experienced in some practices, I will not have you in for 5 minutes and apply same 3 adjustments every time. You will have an initial assessment lasting 1 hour with follow ups lasting 30 minutes. You will never be seen for less than 15 minutes. Also, in line with Nailsea Physio's ethos there is never any hard sell or pressure to sign up for multiple sessions.

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