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Happy New Year!

Writer: Nailsea Physio Nailsea Physio

As we bid farewell to 2024 you may be reflecting on the bad things that may have happened in the last year, or you may be consolidating on all the good things. Either way, it’s time to look ahead into 2025 and make it your mission to make it a good one!

Start with yourself. Everything will be better if you regularly focus on yourself. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing arrangement. Start small, here’s some ideas:

❤️ spend a few more minutes a day self grooming - this could be treating yourself to actually using that moisturiser you were given for Christmas.

❤️ lay your bed at the stat of every day - this sets you up for your day perfectly with some sense of achievement. And nothing feels as good as being tidy and organised.

❤️ spend a bit of time being mindful - write in a journal. Most phones have apps which can help you with this. Write up to 3 things you are grateful for each day. A positive mindset, will change your mood and outlook on what’s going on around you.

❤️ EXERCISE! Go walking, go to the gym, go to a class. If you can manage something 3 x week it will make a difference - especially compared to nothing at all. It doesn’t have to be an hour of flat out beasting! Just 30mins is a great start. And it MUST be enjoyable to be sustainable.

❤️Get Outside! Combining exercise with outdoor time is an awesome way to feel good. You can also be mindful whilst out - soak up the outdoors - the sounds of nature, the shape and colour of trees and hedges, the sky, and breathe in the fresh air.

❤️ Choose healthier foods - your body will thank you.

❤️ Do some health housekeeping! Get those check ups you’ve been meaning to get. Check your vitals like blood pressure, weight and even blood tests if they’re due. If you’ve been suffering with an injury or pain - get it seen to. You never know you may not have to be putting up with it and it can be resolved. We can help with that 😉.

In a society where we’re under so much pressure to be everything all of the time, and work work work. It’s time we pushed back and carve out that vital time for ourselves so that we can be at our best for family, friends and enjoy our lives.



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